Marine Corps Cakes Top Ten

These are some of the Best of the Best Marine Corps Cakes from
around the net.  Some good for a homecoming and some good
for the Marine Corps Birthday.  Here is a top ten motivator


9.  Marine Corps Wedding Cake so Awesome

8. Marine Corps Bulldog cake

Bulldog Cake

7.  Ok so this isn't a cake but a cookie but its a drill instructor

Drill Instructor Cookie

6. Cool Helicopter Cake
Helicopter Cake

5. M-16 A2 Service Rifle in cake form "this is my rifle there are many like it"
Marine Rifle Cake

4.   Marine Corps Cake Pops Woot
Marine Corps Cake Pops

3.  Dress Blues Cake Simply Amazing
Dress Blue Cake

2.  Sgt Major Cake.  Pretty much all cakes that have rank rule

Sgt Major Cake

1.  The number one cake is any Cake Served on the Marine Corps Birthday.  Semper Fi Marines

Chesty Puller Cutting Cake
